Monday, May 21, 2012

Module 6 Respones

Ennis' - 8845 Learning Theory and Education Blog

I like how you have compared using technology in education as being elastic.  It does allow a huge amount of flexibility in the educational process including the amount of resources available.  As predicted in the Horizon Report, we can see that the use of technology allows us to tap resources from any where in the world as a way to enlighten our view points.  I agree that Connectivism is fundamental aspect of the foundation of technology in our educational process allowing us to make connections through my different avenues. 


I agree that instructional design in key to the success of learning.  In every theory we have explored, it is necessary to have a strong foundation of knowledge from which to build more knowledge upon.  Without good instructional design, the foundation is not strong enough to support more learning.  Holes and gaps will be present and the transfer of knowledge will be missing key components.  I am also a firm believer in learning styles and find if individuals can take control of their learning, they become better learners. 

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