Monday, May 21, 2012

Module 6 Respones

Ennis' - 8845 Learning Theory and Education Blog

I like how you have compared using technology in education as being elastic.  It does allow a huge amount of flexibility in the educational process including the amount of resources available.  As predicted in the Horizon Report, we can see that the use of technology allows us to tap resources from any where in the world as a way to enlighten our view points.  I agree that Connectivism is fundamental aspect of the foundation of technology in our educational process allowing us to make connections through my different avenues. 


I agree that instructional design in key to the success of learning.  In every theory we have explored, it is necessary to have a strong foundation of knowledge from which to build more knowledge upon.  Without good instructional design, the foundation is not strong enough to support more learning.  Holes and gaps will be present and the transfer of knowledge will be missing key components.  I am also a firm believer in learning styles and find if individuals can take control of their learning, they become better learners. 

Philosophy of Learning

When I was in high school, we had one computer for the school and I was enrolled in the first computer programming class the school offered on its TRS 80.  The programming was simple, using DOS to add, etc.  From the one computer in the closet at my high school, I went to the university to take computer programming.  I felt so far behind in the class and I met with the professor to express my concerns and explain my previous technological experience with programming.  He said, “Sherri, you are so far advanced for this course, you won’t know what we are doing until the last week of class.”  He was right.  They were still using punch cards as a way to import data characters.  The last week of class we used all the punch cards to assemble a simple addition program.  From this point, technology has been a part of my educational process. 

As a visual learner determined by Howard Gardner, using technology only enhances my opportunities for learning.  The Internet is the tool that has most affected my education by broadening the resources of information.  The visual activity that is done on the Internet allows me to use my learning style to its fullest potential, even though technology can be used for all learning styles.  Technology allows students a variety of activities to promote learning from auditory learners to kinesthetic learners.  Technology can improve the understanding and enhance the interest of students in a variety of different ways to allow students to experience education in a way that would make them become life long learners. 

I consider myself a life long learner and feel that I have unlimited resources right at my finger tips using technology to enhance my learning experience.  According to the 2011 Horizon Report, technology affects the practice of teaching and learning, as well as the creative process used in learning.  Looking at the future of technology in the next five years, we can see that it will affect our lives in many ways that can only enhance our individual learning experiences. 

Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Stone, S. (2011). The 2011 horizon report. Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Response to Module 5

I often wonder why we fear change. Change does not always conincide with something bad but we generally do not like it. I embrace change with relish looking to try something new and exciting but I really think it is just my personality. Building confidence is a great way to pave the way for any change.

I agree with finding relevance in new ideas including technology to support new visions for many things. Once people find the relevance in something they are more eager to participate and invest their time learning. Technology is part of our everyday lives and we need to adapt constantly to continue to be part of this wave of the future.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Our school has offered Moodle to our teachers for the past 6 years.  Moodle is a free open source for online learning.  The State of Maine will host a Moodle server for a school or the school can host their own.  I have done research on Moodle to find that its root are in distance education from the developer, who, was part of an aboriginal tribe in Australia as a child and wanted to learn any way possible and took correspondent courses.  I jumped right on board the moment it was offered to our school through the state.  Although it took a lot of time to develop my courses to be effective on the Moodle server, it was well worth the effort.  I have taught teachers on how to set up a Moodle course but it does take time and teachers always are complaining about never having enough time.  I tried to sell it as, if you take the time now, it saves you time in the future, but they just can not see the way technology can make our lives easier if you invest in it. 

Using the ARCS model, it was brought to the attention of the educators, technology can enhance educational experiences.  The relevance in technology applications can be used for students to increase their technological skills for the future.  Confidence was built with the ease of use of the software and satisfaction is shown when the course is complete and usable.  Even using this model, teachers whine and complain about time.  For the teachers that have moved forward, their students love using technology as a part of their learning experience. 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Connectivism Mindmap


How has your digital network changed the way you learn?
I have a great example of how technology has changed the way I learn.  One of my goals for this winter was to learn to snowboard.  I had all the equipment and took a lesson.  I tried and tried but just could not do it.  I went back to where I bought the board and he asked me if I did my homework.  I looked at him and said I had a lesson.  He told me to go watch videos on YouTube about how to snowboard then try again.  This really worked.  It also opened up my mind to other areas in which YouTube may have instructional videos.  Through the network of the Internet we have access to information in a variety of different providers for all learning styles. 

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?
I am a visual learner and images work best for me when learning.  Technology provides so many tools to accomodate my learning style providing me with the tools necessary for me to learn.  The Internet is very visual and YouTube is an excellent example of visual learning.  Using collaboration and sharing tools allows a broader opportunity to share information using many different avenues such as Pinterest and Skype.  These tools have the visual stimulation I need to enhance my learning.

How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?
It depends on what it is I am learning.  My first thought is to go to a search engine to start and move on from that point to more detailed research depending on the topic.  Because of the availability of resources on the Internet the options are limitless. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Construtivism and Technology

Humans generally have the need to be social.  Very few individuals can exist alone.  We need companionship to live happy productive lives through socialization.  Socialization is a form of communication.  We are now using technology as a means of communication.  If we look at how quickly social media has become a part of our communication process, we can see the importance and interest it has in our daily life.

By using technological tools such as the Internet to facilitate many different types of collaboration can occur, with this collaboration, we are using constructivism to learn and grow.  We can begin to generate our own learning by discovery and experiences.  We take our education into our own hands exploring the Internet making connections and sharing information.

The Pew Research Center conducts numerous researches in a variety of areas using technology including using social media.  According to the report by Rainie et. al (2012), our social well being is positive when we are using social networking as means of communication.  Through social media we can learn, develop and grow as individuals using the constructivism approach to learning by allowing people to develop their own model of information to process as knowledge. 

Rainie, Lee, Amanda Lenhart, Aaron Smith.  The tone of life on social networking sites.  Pew Internet & American Life Project, Feb 9, 2012.  Accessed on April 11, 2012.